Thank you for signing up to receive information and announcements from George Asteri. Your personal information is important to us and we promise we will never share, give away or sell your information.
As a way of thanking you for joining our email list, George is offering to give you a free voiceover recording at absolutely no cost.
Your free voiceover can be used for any purpose but can be no longer than 30 seconds.
George will…
* record your outgoing phone message
* record a short poem
* record a short announcement
* record a birthday or anniversary greeting
The only restrictions on your free recording are that it cannot contain profanity or mention anything illegal, it must be less than 30 seconds in length, and there can be no changes or alterations to the script after it has been recorded and delivered.
To receive your free voiceover, please call George at 646.820.0505 to arrange for your session. George will ask that you send your script to him at
Your free recording will be delivered within 24-48 hours.